1.Intrusive (Adj)-causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited. दखल देने वाला SSC
2.Denouement (N)-the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.
3.Abrogation (N)-the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement. रद्दीकरण
4.At Loggerheads (Phrase)-disagreeing very strongly with someone.
5.Authoritarian (N)-favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. सत्तावादी
6.Lopsided (Adj)-leaning to one side. एकतरफ़ा
7.Adversarial (Adj)-involving or characterized by conflict or opposition. विरोधात्मक
8.Rebut (V)-claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false. खंडन करना
9.Exemplified (V)-illustrate or clarify by giving an example. उदाहरण देना
10.Spearheaded (V)-to lead (an attack or a campaign). नेतृत्व
11.Etched (V)-to fix permanently in or implant firmly on the mind; root in the memory.
12.Succumbed (V)-die from the effect of a disease or injury. मृत्यु को प्राप्त होना
13.Cremated (V)-to burn a dead person’s body. दाहसंस्कार करना
14.Kept Away (Phrasal Verb)-to avoid going near somebody/something.
15.Unconscionable (Adj)-not right or reasonable. अनुचित
16.Chores (N)-a routine task, especially a household one.
17.Inhuman (Adj)-lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric. अमानवीय, क्रूर
18.Grim (Adj)-unpleasant or disagreeable. निष्ठुर
19.Simmer (V)-(of violence or conflict) to threaten to break out.
20.Drop Out (Phrasal Verb)-abandon a course of study. छोड़ना
21.Sordid (Adj)-dirty and unpleasant. घिनौना
22.Hordes (N)-a large group of people.
23.Vandals (N)-a person, often in a group, who intentionally damages public or private property.
24.Detritus (N)-waste or debris of any kind. मलबा
25.Plotted (V)-secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action). आलेखित
26.Brought Down (Phrasal Verb)-to cause to fall. गिराना
27.Demolition (N)-the act of destroying something, such as a building or other structure. विध्वंस
28.Unconscionable (Adj)-not right or reasonable. अनुचित
29.Throwing To The Winds (Phrase)-To discard or dispense with, especially in an abrupt or reckless manner.
30.Acquitting (V)-to decide officially in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a particular crime. निर्दोषी ठहराना
31.Vantage Points (N)-a position from which you can see things well.
वैज्ञानिक उपकरण एवं उनके उपयोग
●एक्सिलरोमीटर (Accelerometer) ➠
वाहन की चाल की वृद्धि दर को मापने का यंत्र
●एनिमोमीटर (Anemometer) ➠ वायु की शक्ति और गति मापने का यंत्र
●एपिकायस्कोप (Apicoiscope) ➠ अपारदर्शी चित्रों को पर्दै पर दिखाने का काम आने उपकरण
●एक्युमुलेटर (Accumulator) ➠ विद्युत् ऊर्जा को संचित करने का यंत्र
●एक्टिनोमीटर (Actinometer) ➠ सूर्य किरणों की तीव्रता का निधरिण करने वाला यंत्र
●ऑडियोमीटर (Audiometer) ➠ ध्वनि की तीव्रता मापने हेतु प्रयुक्त यंत्र
●ऑडियोफोन (Audiophone) ➠ सुनने में सहायता के लिये कान में लगाया जाने वाला उपकरण
●एयरोमीटर (Aerometer) ➠ वायु तथा गैसों के भार तथा घनत्व मापने का यंत्र
●अल्टीमीटर (Altimeter) ➠ विमानों की ऊँचाई मापने हेतु प्रयुक्त यंत्र
●एमीटर (Ammeter) ➠ विद्युत्-धारा को एम्पियर में मापने हेतु प्रयुक्त यंत्र
●औरिस्कोप (Auriscope) ➠ कान के आंतरिक भाग के निरीक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त यंत्र
●एवोमीटर (Avometer) ➠ रेडियो में उत्पन्न दोष का पता लगाने का यंत्र
●बैरोग्राफ (Barograph) ➠ वायुमंडलीय दाब में होने वाले परिवर्तन का ग्राफ अंकित करनेवाला यंत्र
●बैरोमीटर (Barometer) ➠ वायुमंडलीय दाब मापने वाला यंत्र
●बाइनोकुलर्स (Binoculars) ➠ वस्तुओं को आवर्द्धित कर दिखाने वाला यंत्र
●बोलोमीटर (Bolometer) ➠ ऊष्मीय विकिरण मापने का यंत्र
●कैलीपर्स (Callipers) ➠ बेलनाकार वस्तुओं के अंदर तथा बाहर का व्यास मापने का यंत्र
✍ 50 Important Idioms And Phrases Asked In SSC Exams.
1. At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion
2. Lose head – Panic
3. Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish
4. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you have no authority
5. Leave in the lurch – To desert someone
6. Cry over spilt milk – Cry over irreparable loss
7. Bad blood – Active enmity
8. Close shave – A narrow escape
9. Grease palms – To bribe someone
10. Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy
11. To cut teeth – To gain experience of something for the first time
12. Cut no ice – Had no influence
13. Close the book – Stop working on something
14. In fits and starts – Irregularly
15. Bird’s eye view – An overview
16. Run in the same groove – Clash with each other
17. Keep your head – Remain calm
18. Pull strings – Use personal influence
19. Pot luck dinner – Dinner where somebody brings something to eat
20. To hit below the belt – To attack unfairly
21. All at sea – Puzzled
22. Sought after – Wanted by many people because it’s of good quality or difficult to find/Pursued by
23. Build castle in the air – Daydreaming
24. On the spur of the moment – To act suddenly, without planning
25. To have something up one’s sleeve – To have a secret plan
26. A red letter day – An important or joyful occasion in one’s life
27. To explore every avenue – To try every opportunity
28. At one’s beck and call – Ready to follow orders/ To be dominated by someone
29. By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way
30. Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position
31. To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any worry
32. To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly
33. To bring to light – to reveal
34. At the eleventh hour – At the last possible moment
35. Go scot-free – To escape without punishment
36. To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief
37. To look down one’s nose – To regard with contempt
38. To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity
39. A white elephant – Costly and troublesome possession, with much use to its owner
40. To call spade a spade – To be frank
41. To fight tooth and nail – To fight heroically, in very determined way
42. Birds of same feather – Persons of same character
43. Take exception – To object over something
44. High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing
45. Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to other people/Very selfish
46. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly
47. An open book – Straight forward and honest dealings
48. Fall short – Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect
49. Heart to heart talk – Frank talk
50. Give the game away – Give out the secret(unintentionally)